Retrieve password

"HorseracingDS" game has gained a well-deserved popularity, but many users have raised questions about the fairness of the game and the possible rigging of race results.

In order to dispel all doubts and reaffirm that the race results are independent from from bets, "Goal+Pass"bookmaker allows every client to monitor the fairness of the game. The control system is based on a modern and reliable cryptography techniques and completely excludes the very likelihood of rigging.

To understand how this system works, it is worthwhile to say a few words about the "HorseracingDS" game algorithm, and also about how the control process flow.

The race results (i.e. a particular number of a horse to finish first) are formed using a random number generator, before the player makes a bet. Making the "Fairness Control" request, in the "Checksum" line the user receives the following information in encrypted form: number of the race, the number of the winning horse, a special password (generated in a random order and unique for each game).

This information is encrypted using MD5 (MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm) cryptographic algorithm. The MD5 algorithm is one of the most modern and reliable ways to encrypt data. Its main feature is creation of two different source messages that have the same checksum, or picking up the original message based on the cipher on a modern computer is practically impossible.

At the end of the game, the user receives the decrypted data in the "Passphrase" line, that is: race number, number of winning horse and a unique password, written with "_" character. Thus, the bettor can see the results of the race formed by the program before the bets were made.

By clicking the "Check" button, the player sends the received information back for the MD5 encryption, and thus gets the opportunity to compare the checksum of the actual results with the one that was sent to him before the bets.

In addition, the MD5 algorithm is an open, widely accepted standard for calculating the checksum, so many sites and programs use it to verify the received data, which means that the user can check the information himself using independent sources.

A bookmaker simply cannot change the data, because when encrypting the new data, the checksum will not match the one originally received. And the checksum, thus blocks the possibility of any change in the race results.

Attention! Due to the fact that the fairness control system completely excludes cheating on the part of the bookmaker, the cancellation of the bet after its registration on the server is impossible. Connection breakage, communication failures also do not constitute basis for cancelling a bet, since they do not affect the course, the result of the race, or the calculation of the receipt. Regardless of other conditions and the fact that for some reason the client did not watch the race (due to a disconnection, browser errors, closure of the game window, etc.), the calculation of winnings or losses on the bets is made automatically. Winnings are also credited to the client's account automatically. All your bets are saved in bet history.